indoor flying
May 12, 2016 101
Proudly brought to you by Modelflight RC
In conjunction with Southern Soaring League (SSL) and the Model Aerosport SA Inc (MASA)
Scheduled: Thursday May-19th, 7:30pm - 9:30pm
Scheduled: Thursday July-21st, 7:30pm - 9:30pmFree to spectate and only $10 to participate (all proceeds going to SSL Club)
Well its back on again! We are very excited to announce that with the support of Southern Soaring League (SSL) and the MASA we have been able to lock down the use of the southern half of Ridley Centre at the Royal Adelaide Showgrounds.
December 30, 2014 52
As you get ready for the new year ahead, be sure to put these dates in your calendar! If you are in South Australia (or would like to come over for a visit), we would love to see you at Indoor Flying, which is held on the third Thursday of every month from 7:30-9:30pm. The location is ETSA Park (155 Railway Terrace, Mile End). It only costs $10 to fly and there is no charge for spectators! Here are the dates for 2015:
- 15 January
- 19 February
- 26 March
- 16 April
- 21 May
- 11 June
- 23 July
- 20 August
- 17 September
- 15 October
- 19 November
- 17 December
Please also make note of this important message from Phoenix:
To all my flying friends, the situation at ETSA Park Netball Stadium has really put some pressure on we who have been flying there and to any others, and I hope there
July 28, 2014 34
Our July Indoor meeting, as one would expect, would turn out to be a freezer that is cold enough to freeze every little thing that one possesses so let me begin on a warm note.
I have made our good friend Richard Tapp the opening feature of my story.
Richard has had a fairly torrid start to this year and it is most heartening to those of us who have known him for many years, to find him making his way back to the Indoor movement where he is most welcome. Even though he brought a model of his own, I handed him the transmitter for the tenth scale Griffon hovercraft. The Griffon Hovercraft works in the UK are the largest maker of these fascinating machines and they vary in size from the 30m (of which "our toy" is an exact scaled replica) to huge hovering barges that weigh many tons. Most of their full size builds can be seen in action world
June 25, 2014 17
June Indoor Still Improves with New Times
After discussions with several of our Indoor Fliers, it seems that they all credit the increase in flying numbers to the earlier flying times of 7.30p.m. to 9.30p.m. A heartening release from our worries as to why they seemed to be dropping off.
I begin this "Phoenix" article with some intimate details on Mr. Robert McEwin. No! Please don't send the children outside - they are not THAT intimate. Pictured here as my opening shot, Bob is the Editor of the Masa-mag and he speaks with a lot of authority gleaned from his years of model making as well as one of this State's premier fliers. He is a dedicated member of the Holdfast Club where he flies frequently and also one of the leading local fliers at the Sensational Model Aero Events at "Conny."
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May 26, 2014 18
Well dear readers, life for we mere mortals has had its share of "ups" and "downs" over the last few months. The weather, always a common topic has, fortunately been mainly on the "up" with we here in Adelaide notching up some sort of a record for the number of consecutive days over 22 degrees. Scott the golfer has had several "downs" among his many "ups" but still manages to be popular. Rolf Harris could well have done with a few more "downs" but dont let us mosey along that path and probably one of the most important "ups" to us is that our flying numbers were up to such a height that for the first time this year, we managed to pay the rent to the Netball Stadium. My first picture features a group of fine looking gentlemen, mainly making their first visit to our Indoor Flying and what a welcome they were. I can only hope that they return.
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April 22, 2014 38
On the surface, the situation looked a little brighter than it has been at ETSA Park over the past two months and I am opening my story this month with a picky of a trio who are usually the life of the party. They are from left to right: Matthew Chapple, Mike Holmes and J.J.
Their antics are usually well worth taking the time out from flying to see them in action. They are all brilliant fliers and no doubt most of you have witnessed their flying at fields throughout the State. It is not surprising to see David getting all "up close and personal" with the tenth scale Griffon hovercraft for a little later in the evening he took the controls and had no problems with hovering or flying the interesting machine.
April 01, 2014 10
Many years ago, The Late Max Starick designed and built a light, but fairly basic little aircraft. It was, sort of, a balsa stick with an extremely light covered wing and tailplane assembly that only relied on two moving surfaces. A rudder and an elevator and it was powered by a loop of rubber that was connected to the propeller. It could really only be flown indoor, as any breath of wind would fly it off course, often violently so an area was sort that was normally used as an aircraft hanger. The Starick model was called a "Hangar Rat."
Literally dozens of these little "rats" were built and those who flew them were usually under the guidance and assistance of The Late Leo O'Reilly who organised that, after trying several venues, we settled on the Recreation Hall at Blackwood. In many ways, history repeats itself as many Hanger Rats were quite often assembled on the counter of Leo's model shop, Model Flight in the Southern Suburbs. Few of we fliers these days would not be flying
March 21, 2014 11
A small but enthusiastic crowd gathered at ETSA Park last night for the monthly Indoor Flying meeting. Thanks to Richard Tapp for these great images. Come and join us for the next flying session on Thursday April 17.
February 26, 2014 29
On the occasion of our second Indoor flying night at the Netball Stadium at Mile End, where those interested ONLY pay ten dollars if they fly, there was just a slight improvement in numbers and with their executive at the stadium raising our rental a wee bit, we really do need a more lively response to our flying numbers. For those who were not able to be there, I must tell you that we had the entire stadium at our disposal and what a difference it makes, rather than being pinned down on one of the lesser courts.
I open this month's episode with a picture of two very important people in today's Modelling World. On the left of the picture is one of Australia's leading and most capable model builders, who is also the brains behind the model hovercraft building campaign, Bob McEwin, and on the right of the picture, a gentleman who is known to most, if not all of you, as the Managing Director of Model Flight, Michael O'Reilly.
February 21, 2014 17
The February Indoor meeting at ETSA Park, Adelaide was well attended now that the temperatures have dropped from the 42C we experienced last month. There were a decent number of quadcopters flying including the new Prime RC Micro MQ4D baby quad that Mike flew:
Alan and Bob had their hovercrafts skimming the surface and Robert had his very new Blade 180QX taking aerial footage of the action.