Monthly Archives: October 2011
October 31, 2011 49Our friends at Horizon Hobby have recently announced a new system that will deliver breakthrough performance for UMX Airplanes, check out this video for more information:
AS3X System Equipped UMX Airplanes Deliver the Ultimate RC Pilot Experience
The AS3X System delivers breakthrough performance for UMX airplanes and the freedom a pilot can use to experience RC flight that's more enjoyable than ever dreamed possible. The AS3X System for airplanes is an exclusive electronic and setup enhancement that makes it possible for you to experience super-smooth flight performance, yet still have full control authority for the kind of flying you want to perform. The advantage of AS3X to the RC pilot is a dream come true. An industry-first, AS3X technology in -
October 24, 2011 15A disappointing night was ahead for all those dedicated indoor fliers who turned up for our October Indoor meeting for the air was filled with, rather than model aeroplanes balls! Yes, ETSA Park was hosting a round of the Masters Games Table Tennis Championships and, as far as the eye could see, every square inch of the floor space was occupied by a table tennis table. Many of our regulars arrived expecting to fly, only to be turned away at the door. It was disappointing for Mike and The Phoenix because these activities have been proceeding for a couple of weeks, or more and, even though we had pre-booked the stadium for the third Thursday of each month, throughout the year, no one at ETSA had seen fit to advise us of the cancellation. Peter, from Naracoorte had been in Model Flights retail shop at 130 Goodwood Road and, hearing of the indoor meet that night, had delayed his return home to join us. He was one of many who were turned away. We have always maintained that the Indoor
October 20, 2011 156So what is AS3X? AS3X System delivers breakthrough performance for UMX airplanes and the freedom a pilot can use to experience RC flight thats more enjoyable than ever dreamed possible. The Horizon Hobby world-class team of RC pilots developed the AS3X System exclusively for airplanes based on the successful use of AS3X with ultra micro flybarless helicopters. An industry-first, AS3X technology in UMX airplanes is exciting because it helps the pilot focus more on the thrill of being the pilot of an expertly tuned airplane, rather than working to stay in smooth control. No longer will you have to deal intensely with flight complications such as turbulence, torque and tip stalls. All you feel is ultra-smooth control even outdoors in
October 14, 2011 166By John Redman The E-flite® Carbon-Z Scimitar RC Plane is true satisfaction for the RC pilot who desires flight performance and adrenaline-pounding excitement previously thought impossible from a conventional aircraft platform. The fantasy-scale Carbon-Z Scimitar, designed by world aerobatic champion Quique Somenzini, bursts open the performance envelope with an evolutionary tailless swept wing. At the heart of the advanced Carbon-Z Scimitar
October 13, 2011 839It is a pretty common question every prospective RC pilot runs into when he is making the decision to buy his first radio control system, Should I buy a Mode 1 or Mode 2 transmitter? In the US, the vast majority of pilots fly on Mode 2 and here in Australia it is Mode 1, but just what does that mean? The Mode 2 configuration is very similar to the layout in a full-size airplane. The stick controls the Aileron and Elevator functions. Rudder is controlled by the rudder pedals and the Throttle is controlled with the pilots left hand on the side of the cockpit. A Mode 2 RC transmitter controls the aileron (roll) and elevator (pitch) with the right hand, while the rudder (yaw) and throttle are controlled by the pilots left hand. Mode 1 moves the throttle function to the right stick and the elevator control to the left stick. This separates the primary controls so that there is less accidental mix when moving one control or the other, as is common with Mode 2. The Mode 1 pilot
October 12, 2011 96
How do you place your remote receivers in your model when using Spektrum or JR® DSM®technology? We walk you through the tricks of the trade to show you a good place to start for better placement in your model. We show installations in both an all composite 94 span P-47 and a large balsa and plywood DV8R turbine jet. These two installations cover the two main material bases used in model construction. We discuss basic receivers with one remote as well as the extreme PowerSafe
October 02, 2011 42This was a special night, for we of the Indoor Flying Movement became an integral part of the famous Bay to Birdwood Motor Rally. With over 1800 Entries it has become the largest event of its type in the world and, for the first time in its history, we were one of their subsidiary events, known as Cruising Classics. We wanted this to be a night to remember and with the main highlight of our programme being Hamish Scott and his Blade 450 helicopter with a fascinating programme of full-on aerobatics, it was just that for nearly 90 people who had not witnessed this type of flying, either indoor or outside, before. Hamish wowed them in the aisles. To watch Hamish in action you can view the video here: