Monthly Archives: August 2014
August 31, 2014 20
Well folks, as Mike is in USA until early October, I cannot see how anyone can get to Ben our Webmaster before that time so I shall just give you a somewhat stinted report on our August Indoor Meeting. As most of you would have gathered by now, we do have a special corner at the Netball Stadium that I prefer to call "The Fun Corner" named in that manner because the usual quartet who fly there seem to enjoy themselves - well - perhaps a little more than others but usually at the expense of their models. They have not filled their quota over the last two months and, in fact, John Oxby was the lone flier from that spot. I am only including two pix with this month's story and they are both of Fun Corner John. The first finds him looking somewhat forlorn as he watches the distant Entry door for the arrival of the rest of his troupe, all to no avail as they fail to appear. Beside J.O. are his 3 "Cracks." One is a super lightweight model beside his rather standard looking "Crack" and the
August 29, 2014 47
The Pitts Hits the Target
The full-size Pitts Special 1S is an icon in the field of aerobatic planes and now you have the opportunity to fly this aerobatic wonder in the most accessible fashion! E-Flite have turned the aircraft into an ultra-micro model; maintaining its ability to perform stunning aerial feats, but in a size that allows you to fly in your own backyard. The Pitts S-1S RC plane handles very well, thanks to the in-built Artificial Stability - 3 aXis (AS3X) system which gives you both great stability when required and great agility when you need to perform at your peak. AS3X utilises multi-axis sensors and software to make attitude corrections in the event of turbulence, torque and tip stalls. This works subtly behind-the-scenes, so you will be able to maximise your flying efforts without fear.
This plane comes fully-assembled out of the box (the only thing you will need to supply is a suitable transmitter), so you will be able to get flying very quickly. Even
August 28, 2014 367
View all RC Clubs in Northern Territory in a larger map.
Looking for an RC model aircraft club in the Northern Territory? Check out the list of NT clubs below:
August 27, 2014 152
Pro Boat Creates A Star
We have always been proud of the range of boats available at Modelflight, but this new one from Pro Boat is something else entirely. The Rockstar is a massive 48-inch catamaran; a similar style to that seen in the Miss Geico and Blackjack. By far, this is the largest RC boat we have ever seen and with its 26cc gas engine, you are able to clock up speeds of up to 65km/h. Best of all, the engine comes with the R.O.S.S. starter system, so you can get the boat running in a matter of seconds with the push of a button on the included Spektrum DX2E transmitter (and stop it just as quickly when you are done).
This boat comes with a large-scale servo, which gives you over 270 oz-in of torque. And it has an appearance to match! The boat features a hand-laid, lightweight fibreglass hull which has been finished with an officially-licensed Rockstar trim scheme that will clearly stand out. The boat comes with a removable composite radio tray, allowing you perform
August 27, 2014 462
View all Model Planes Clubs in Tasmania in a larger map.
Looking for an RC model aircraft club in Tasmania? Check out the list of TAS clubs below:
August 27, 2014 368
View all Plane Clubs in ACT in a larger map.
Looking for an RC model aircraft club in the Australian Capital Territory? Check out the list of ACT clubs below:
August 25, 2014 85
Rock crawling is fast becoming one of the more popular means of driving RC trucks. It's easy to see why. The challenge of scrambling over large obstacles in your path makes rock crawling a really enjoyable activity for drivers of all ages and skill levels. At Modelflight, we are pleased to offer a range of RC cars and trucks that will cater to the rock crawler within you. In this blog post, we wanted to talk about that range of vehicles, covering cars and trucks from both Losi and Vaterra.
Losi Night Crawler
Let's start with one
August 22, 2014 150
The Latest Sebart RC Planes
We have always had a wide range of Sebart RC planes at Modelflight and we are very excited to show some of their new models that will be available soon. Let's kick things off with the new Sebart Blanik.
This is a beautiful RC glider. As you can see, the Blanik comes with an officially-licensed Red Bull trim scheme and a scale cockpit. The model plane comes with a wingspan of 332cm and a total wing surface of 80.5 square decimeters. Sebart have also thrown
August 22, 2014 1026
View all RC Clubs in Queensland in a larger map.
Looking for an RC model aircraft club in Queensland? Check out the list of QLD clubs below:
August 15, 2014 175
We have always been impressed with Vaterra's range of scale RC cars and there has often been a consistent theme running through this collection: American muscle cars. In this blog post, we wanted to showcase these cars in all their glory. Just for fun, we have also included a series images showing the original American car and Vaterra's RC version (pictured on the left and right respectively). Let's start our journey through time with some of the classic Vaterra models.
Classic RC Cars
A classic in every sense of the word, the original 1967 Ford Mustang was equipped with a 315hp V8 engine and has only grown more revered over time. Vaterra's answer to this beast of an RC car is as close as