October 20, 2011 156So what is AS3X? AS3X System delivers breakthrough performance for UMX airplanes and the freedom a pilot can use to experience RC flight thats more enjoyable than ever dreamed possible. The Horizon Hobby world-class team of RC pilots developed the AS3X System exclusively for airplanes based on the successful use of AS3X with ultra micro flybarless helicopters. An industry-first, AS3X technology in UMX airplanes is exciting because it helps the pilot focus more on the thrill of being the pilot of an expertly tuned airplane, rather than working to stay in smooth control. No longer will you have to deal intensely with flight complications such as turbulence, torque and tip stalls. All you feel is ultra-smooth control even outdoors in
October 13, 2011 839It is a pretty common question every prospective RC pilot runs into when he is making the decision to buy his first radio control system, Should I buy a Mode 1 or Mode 2 transmitter? In the US, the vast majority of pilots fly on Mode 2 and here in Australia it is Mode 1, but just what does that mean? The Mode 2 configuration is very similar to the layout in a full-size airplane. The stick controls the Aileron and Elevator functions. Rudder is controlled by the rudder pedals and the Throttle is controlled with the pilots left hand on the side of the cockpit. A Mode 2 RC transmitter controls the aileron (roll) and elevator (pitch) with the right hand, while the rudder (yaw) and throttle are controlled by the pilots left hand. Mode 1 moves the throttle function to the right stick and the elevator control to the left stick. This separates the primary controls so that there is less accidental mix when moving one control or the other, as is common with Mode 2. The Mode 1 pilot
October 12, 2011 96
How do you place your remote receivers in your model when using Spektrum or JR® DSM®technology? We walk you through the tricks of the trade to show you a good place to start for better placement in your model. We show installations in both an all composite 94 span P-47 and a large balsa and plywood DV8R turbine jet. These two installations cover the two main material bases used in model construction. We discuss basic receivers with one remote as well as the extreme PowerSafe
September 20, 2011 451
The Phoenix Flight Simulator is compatible with an Intel-based Apple Macintosh computer running Microsoft Windows XP, Vista or 7 under one of the following systems:
- Bootcamp (recommended)
- VMWare Fusion (latest version)
- Parallels (latest version)
More information on using Bootcamp can be found here on the Apple website.Phoenix does not run on older non-Intel Macintosh computers, or the Apple OSX operating system.If you are using Phoenix on your Intel-based Macintosh computer, and encounter any graphical issues or errors on start-up, then please follow the tips below:- If you are using Bootcamp, please follow the steps in this article to make sure that you have the latest drivers and DirectX version installed.
- If you are using either VMWare Fusion or Parallels to run Phoenix, make sure that you have the latest version of whichever system you are using, as DirectX 9 applications are only supported under
April 05, 2011 100
<24-Scale Losi 4WD To Brushless " src="http://www.horizonhobby.com/ProdInfo/articles/2254-lead.jpg" alt="How-To Convert Your 1/24-Scale Losi 4WD To Brushless " width="520" height="237">
We've been big fans of the Losi 1/24-scale Micro Rally Car and Micro SCT since we first laid eyes on them. These vehicles bring a lot of fun to the table thanks to the solid platform that handles quite well straight from the box. In today's day and age one of the first questions people have regarding any new vehicle is: can you convert it to LiPo power and how will it stand up to the additional stressand the Micro Rally Car and Micro SCT are no exception. -
February 16, 2011 39So you have been enjoying the great flying qualities of the HobbyZone Champ RC Plane and as things sometimes happen, a few objects have come into contact with the model while in flight. Now this is not your fault, I promise you that. Chairs move, tress run into your path, lawn furniture flies around the yard causing obstacles that you must fly around on a moment's notice.As time goes on you may find the wing on your Champ is just not in the greatest condition it was when you first pulled it out of the box. It may have a few creases or even a small tape repair on it which is probably causing some flight performance to drop. Well we have the fix right here and we show you
January 26, 2011 15
Privacy and Security
This policy (together with our terms of use and any other documents referred to on it) sets out the basis on which any personal data we collect from you, or that you provide to us, will be processed by us. Please read the following carefully to understand our views and practices regarding your personal data and how we will treat it. We may collect and process the following data about you:
- Information that you provide by filling in forms on our site www.modelflight.com.au (our site). This includes information provided at the time of registering to use our site, subscribing to our services, posting material or requesting further services. If you contact us, we may keep a record of that correspondence.
- Details of transactions you carry out through our site and of the fulfilment of your orders.
- Details of your visits to our site and the resources that you access.
January 12, 2011 89
Z-Foam planes have become very popular in the hobby because of their robust durability and overall great flying qualities. They are easily repaired by the CA glues of today or with new spare parts, the choice is yours. E-flite brings you a new level of Z-Foam, called Carbon-Z. Using an entirely new design philosophy in the structure, Carbon-Z structure combines a blend of carbon, plywood, and Z-Foam. No longer are wings completely solid, with Carbon-Z they are molded in a built-up format with ribs to include a full composite structure inside to deliver rigidity only found in the past in higher-level wood model aircraft. This composite blend gives you the highest level of quality in
January 08, 2011 52
Nicad, Nimh Battery Care by Modelflight
When you first get your battery Run your rechargeable battery through at least 3 full charge/discharge cycles before putting it into ordinary service. This will help obtain maximum capacity of the battery.
Storing your battery Store your battery in a cool dry place. Do not leave your battery exposed to direct sunlight or temperatures below 30 degrees F and above 100 degrees F. Always fully charge lead acid batteries before storing.
Charging your battery Rechargeable batteries will perform better when trickle charged. Rapid or Fast charging can be used with NiCd, NiMH and Li-IOn batteries, but you must be sure that your charger can handle the cell chemistry involved.
Important: Most of the problems with rechargeable batteries can be traced to misuse.
January 01, 2011 42
First introduced in 1938, the Stinson SR-10 is as much a work of art as a work of engineering. The combination of its graceful lines and unique wing shape give you the sense it's reaching for the sky even when it's parked on the ramp. Park Zone has expertly modeled this aviation classic to give you a civilian scale experience unlike anything else. This plane comes out of the box loaded with scale details like an authentic paint scheme and markings, molded ribbing in the wings, a simulated radial engine, accurately modeled landing