We are very pleased to announce an exciting competition that Chuck T. Seeker is running in conjunction with Modelflight. Chuck recently reached an momentus milestone on his YouTube channel - a total of 1 million video views. Needless to say, we are thrilled for Chuck and as such, we decided to help him celebrate by working with him to give you the chance to wine one of two Spektrum DX7S transmitters. These transmitters are fantastic. They come with 20-model memory, built-in telemetry and extensive programming options for your RC plane and/or heli.
This competition was announced on Chuck's YouTube channel in late January and we have embedded the announcement video below:
As Chuck explains in his video, one of the DX7S transmitters is for an Australian resident and the other one will be sent to an overseas winner.
Entering this competition is easy! Chuck has provided instructions in this video below:
In summary, all you have to do to enter the competition is follow these steps:
- Subscribe to Chuck T. Seeker's YouTube channel
- Subscribe to Modelflight's YouTube channel
- Like Modelflight's Facebook page
- Like Chuck T. Seeker's Facebook page, Thrillseeker Productions
- Share Chuck's entry video (this is the second video we embedded in this post, but you can also find the video by clicking here).
- Leave a comment on the entry video. If you are an Australian entrant, please specify that in the comment, otherwise Chuck will just assume that you are from overseas