- RF Mammoth Scale Weekend - Shepparton, Vic - 9-10 September 2017 (info at http://valleyradioflyersofshepparton.weebly.com/mammoth-scale-flyin--other-events.html)
- Jets over Temora - Temora Airport, NSW - 22-24 September 2017 (contact jcstarkey76@hotmail.com)
- Qld Scale Model Muster - Tin Can Bay, Qld - 30 Sep-1 Oct 2017 (contact janeilow@eftel.net.au)
- Wentworth Open Thermal Glider (Rd 1 AUSTOUR 2018) - Wentworth Racecourse, Wentworth, NSW (near Mildura, Vic) - 7-8 October 2017 (contact darreldb@bigpond.com)
- NAAS Aerotow - NAAS Valley, ACT - 13-15 October 2017 (info at naas.org.au)
- Australian F5J Trophy - NAAS Valley, ACT - 4-5 November, 2017 (info at aefanet.com)
- Adelaide Golden Era Air Races - Virginia SA - 17-19 November 2017 (Info at masa.org.au )
If you know of an event that is not listed, or there are event details that need to be updated, please do not hesitate to contact Modelflight.