On Thursday of this week we were lucky enough to be invited along to present a question and answer session entitled DRONE MACHINATIONS! to the New Venture Institute (NVI) at Flinders University, South Australia. The New Venture Institute Flinders inspires, educates and connects innovators and entrepreneurs, growing and supporting new ventures and startups through a range of initiatives. Flinders University established the New Venture Institute (NVI) in June 2013 to connect Flinders Universitys staff, students and resources with external businesses, entrepreneurs, students and innovators to create and foster an entrepreneurial community in Adelaide.
The event was held as part of the regular Friday Feed Your Brain sessions in the eNVIsion Incubator space on Level 2 of NVI. A closed attendance of around 40-50 guests presented some challenging, and very relevant, questions to Modelflight Director, Jamie Nancarrow. Questions included What are potential income streams from drone business?, What legislation if any is facilitating / limiting the use of drone technology in Australia?, What are the more unusual / creative uses of drone technology?, Are people really racing drones? and What are the best opportunities for SA business to get involved?. The questions lead to some creative open forum discussions and certainly inspired many entrepreneurs in the room with various research interests including aerial mapping, habitat/species management, commercial development, aquatic/marine park management, and emergency services facilitators to name a few.
The presentation also happened to coincide with the State Premier, Jay Weatherill, visiting the New Venture Institute at Flinders. Mr Weatherill met with a number of inventors and start-up business owners whose innovative products and services will soon be launched onto national and international markets. It was certainly great to be a part of fuelling some positive South Australian creative thought. Modelflight would like to thank Deputy Director of Business Engagement and Marketing, Kathryn Anderson, and, Marketing Communications/Incubator Manager, Ashleigh Keane, for facilitating the event.