rc plane
April 18, 2012 34Our friend Chuck has been busy with the Parkzone Albatros DVa WW1 RC Plane this week - kindly creating this un-boxing and build video. Here, Chuck takes a look at what is in the box and gets all the parts out so we can all have a nice close up look! In his second clip, he focuses on the build of the Parkzone Albatros DVa - here's what he thought: "It is a quick easy build and i think most will have it together a lot quicker than the SE-5a went together
October 14, 2011 166By John Redman The E-flite® Carbon-Z Scimitar RC Plane is true satisfaction for the RC pilot who desires flight performance and adrenaline-pounding excitement previously thought impossible from a conventional aircraft platform. The fantasy-scale Carbon-Z Scimitar, designed by world aerobatic champion Quique Somenzini, bursts open the performance envelope with an evolutionary tailless swept wing. At the heart of the advanced Carbon-Z Scimitar
April 14, 2011 147E-flite have added another Ultra Micro eXtreme (UMX) Model Plane to their line-up with this Mike McConville designed 3D Sbach 342. All you need is a 4+ channel DSM2/DSMX compatible transmitter that is capable of programming Dual Rates and Exponential, and you're off!The Sbach 342 is one of the most exciting full-scale aerobatic designs to come out of Germany since the first Extra. The brainchild of aerodynamic visionary, Horst Streicher, it's the first two-seat monoplane capable of truly holding its own in Unlimited-class competition. E-flite has captured the essence of the 342s incredible performance with this remarkably scale ultra micro that flies extreme
April 07, 2011 53Constructed almost entirely of plywood and powered by twin Merlin V12s, the DeHavilland Mosquito Mk VI was incredibly fast and maneuverable for a plane of its size. This speed and maneuverability combined with its relatively long range earned it a variety of combat roles during World War II that included everything from low-level reconnaissance to anti-shipping and night fighter missions. We meet with Matt Andren, the Product Developer on the Mossy to see what has come to life in this new Ultra Micro model. Matt addresses some of the hurdles they had to overcome in order to bring this twin warbird legend to life. Scale details
February 16, 2011 40So you have been enjoying the great flying qualities of the HobbyZone Champ RC Plane and as things sometimes happen, a few objects have come into contact with the model while in flight. Now this is not your fault, I promise you that. Chairs move, tress run into your path, lawn furniture flies around the yard causing obstacles that you must fly around on a moment's notice.As time goes on you may find the wing on your Champ is just not in the greatest condition it was when you first pulled it out of the box. It may have a few creases or even a small tape repair on it which is probably causing some flight performance to drop. Well we have the fix right here and we show you
January 12, 2011 89
Z-Foam planes have become very popular in the hobby because of their robust durability and overall great flying qualities. They are easily repaired by the CA glues of today or with new spare parts, the choice is yours. E-flite brings you a new level of Z-Foam, called Carbon-Z. Using an entirely new design philosophy in the structure, Carbon-Z structure combines a blend of carbon, plywood, and Z-Foam. No longer are wings completely solid, with Carbon-Z they are molded in a built-up format with ribs to include a full composite structure inside to deliver rigidity only found in the past in higher-level wood model aircraft. This composite blend gives you the highest level of quality in
January 10, 2011 258
The Ultra Micro eXtreme (UMX) Extra 300 3D makes the dream of a 3D rc plane you can fly almost anywhere a reality. With a flying weight of barely over an ounce (just 33 grams), battery and all, it is slow and light enough to fly extreme 3D maneuvers in spaces no larger than a dining or conference room. Its ingenious laser-cut foam airframe, designed by ETOC champ Seth Arnold, makes it all possible. The structure uses a fraction of the foam material usually used in profile planes of this type and is covered with micro-thin film. The airframe is reinforced with carbon fiber rods that keep flexing and twisting
January 06, 2011 258Introducing the E-flite Hawker Hurricane 25e RC Plane available in BNF and PNP, is a bigger, more powerful warbird with classic scale details and features. No fighter deserves more credit for saving Britain in its darkest hour than the Hawker Hurricane airplane. Its simple construction allowed it to be manufactured in large numbers and it could be quickly repaired in the field using basic tools. Despite being slower than the vaunted Spitfire, the Hurricane could out turn many of the enemy fighters
January 01, 2011 42
First introduced in 1938, the Stinson SR-10 is as much a work of art as a work of engineering. The combination of its graceful lines and unique wing shape give you the sense it's reaching for the sky even when it's parked on the ramp. Park Zone has expertly modeled this aviation classic to give you a civilian scale experience unlike anything else. This plane comes out of the box loaded with scale details like an authentic paint scheme and markings, molded ribbing in the wings, a simulated radial engine, accurately modeled landing
December 29, 2010 312.bp.blogspot.com/_ptbDbztkVoU/TSKHSN19rHI/AAAAAAAAAKQ/yuEIwvrOG_A/s320/Cnadyman.JPG" width="137" height="320" align="left" border="0">A quite sufficient number of flyers attended ETSA Park for the usual fly-in to enable the Southern Soaring League to expand its waist-line a little. I could not help but to open my photo gallery this month with a shot of a smiling Candyman aka Peter Smythe. With his major task at this time of the year being to fill the tummies of the little children with lollies, if he did not keep up the supply, then their Christmas celebrations would be non events. But, even with all that pressure on him, Pete would not have been there without the enormous power-over for him to attend by his best mate, Viney who is aka Vincent Pike. 3.bp.blogspot.com/_ptbDbztkVoU/TSKHYrstAcI/AAAAAAAAAKc/R6FJyS4UxOA/s320/Mike+Vin+Peter.JPG" width="320" height="276" align="right" border="0">